We Are A

solution For Business & Individuals Tax

Personalized accounting and tax preparation services.

For businesses, it’s vital to maintain precise financial records, comprehend tax laws, and apply deductions. For individuals, organized record-keeping of income, expenses, and investments, along with the strategic use of deductions and credits, can enhance tax efficiency. Utilizing professional consultation or tax preparation software can expedite the process for both parties.

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about us

FTA Consultants the best solution for your tax services

At FTA Consultants, we offer tailored tax solutions for businesses and individuals, maximizing returns and minimizing liabilities. With our expertise and personalized approach, we ensure tax compliance and optimization for our clients’ financial success.

Tax Services
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International Awards

Our Tax Services

Our tax services encompass comprehensive tax planning and preparation for both businesses and individuals, ensuring compliance and maximizing financial benefits. From strategic tax advice to meticulous filing, we tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each client, optimizing their tax outcomes.

Individual Tax

Individual tax involves the assessment and payment of taxes on personal income and investments, including wages, salaries.


Accounting is the process of tracking and analyzing a company's financial transactions to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Business Tax

Business tax involves calculating and paying taxes on a company's profits, assets, and ensuring compliance with tax laws.


Incorporation is the legal creation of a separate entity, like a corporation, with its own rights and responsibilities, separate from its owners.
Who we serve

We match our clients with a consultant whose experience

We match our clients with a consultant whose experience aligns with their specific industry or needs, ensuring tailored and effective service delivery. 


Industries are distinct sectors of the economy characterized by shared production processes and market dynamics.


Healthcare involves the provision of medical services, treatments, and preventive measures to maintain or improve the health of individuals and communities.


Entertainment encompasses various forms of leisure activities, such as movies, music, sports, and gaming, designed to entertain and engage audiences.


Technology comprises innovations, tools, and systems designed to facilitate communication, automate processes, and enhance productivity across various industries and daily life.


Retail involves the sale of goods or services directly to consumers through physical or online stores, catering to their needs and preferences.


Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and values through structured learning experiences to foster personal and societal development.
Meet Our Team: Discover the diverse expertise and dedication of our professionals, committed to delivering exceptional service and solutions tailored to your needs.

Meet Our Team

Adam Johnston
Founder Pajakin
Logan Hayes
ceo pajakin
Briana Kaufman
GEneral Manager Pajakin

Our Partners


What’s Our Clients Say

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Lucas Turner
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James Dawson
Gravida vulputate aliquet tempor sitequesed pretium urna aenean haretra placer eharetra adipiscing penati aliqua
Danica Monroe
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With a track record of serving thousands of satisfied clients, our expertise and dedication ensure successful outcomes and lasting partnerships built on trust and excellence.

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